Sunday, April 29, 2018

Planet Fitness Lee Hwy Chattanooga

So yesterday we did go back to Planet Fitness and first I updated my address and phone number and the young girl said "You're all set".  Is there anything else I can do for you?  Yes ma'am can you please cancel the membership.. she said.."Oh yes and can I ask why?  I responded.. My husband is sick.. She said ok I got it.. I signed my name and she said the cancellation will go to my email.  I further asked if I needed to pay anything and she Oh no they charge a month in advance and to please continue to use the membership until the 16th of May.   Well I probably won't use it but that's ok.. No hassle and she was extremely nice.  Much different than just a few days before that.  I stated on my Facebook post that Planet Fitness Lee Hwy Chattanooga TN   IT"S NOT OVER.  No it's not!  Help me please...

Dear Lord,  I want to lift up this business Planet Fitness Lee Hwy Chattanooga.  Please help and guide them into a better business practice where it's members mean more than the paycheck at the end of the day.  They bond and become a family and spread that outpouring of devotion to youth groups, families with disabilities, food pantry's, and provide Love to the community.

In the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord.  AMEN

Now for those of you that took those words.. IT"S NOT OVER to a wrongful meaning.. You don't know me!  I am not vengeful, I am not proud, I am not conceded, I am not worthy of the Grace He's given me.  I am a loving, kind, and always care more for others than they of me.. I just proved that earlier today.  It's all good!

#PlanetFitness #LeeHwyChattanooga #Judgementfreenot #Judges #chargedouttheyingyang #nomatterwhat #theyhaters #theydiscriminate #everyonedontdothat #worldofhaters #letmecancelwithoutpenalties #cancellations #judgement #mydogsarestressfree #getadog #walkyourdoginsteadofplanetfitness #jogwithyourdoginsteadofplanetfitness #joggingisfun #walkthedog #bluestreak #walkyourwayintoshape #inyourownneighborhood #strokejudgementfromplanetfitness #theydontcare #theythinktheytheonlygymintown #like #post #share #tweet #letmecancelwithoutjudgement #getinvoled #spreadtheword #notgonnaletitog #prayformyhubby #strokesarenojoke #healthissuesandjudgedbyplanetfitness #spreadtheword #cancelyourmemberships #bejudgementfreeandfreeyourself

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